
Texting driver caused my accident

Suffering a Slip and Fall Related Injury? Know What to Do

Were you involved in a recent accident in a store that resulted in a slip and fall injury?  If so, you'll need to know the following things so that you can get the compensation you deserve in a personal injury lawsuit.

Take Plenty Of Photos

One of the first things that you should do after the accident is take photos of the accident site.  This could include a wet floor surface that was not properly marked, or a tripping hazard that you did not see. If you do not take these photos immediately, it's possible that the store will fix the problem before you go back and take photos for your own record. Even if they are some quick photos on your smart phone, some photos are better than nothing.

Get Contact Information Of Witnesses

Was anyone around you at the time of the slip and fall? If so, grab their contact information now so that you can reach out to them later.  Anyone passing by in the store may simply continue on with their day because the store is not going to reach out to the witness to get a statement that will harm them later on. It is your duty to get their contact information. 

Contact The Store Manager Immediately

It's crucial that you contact the manager of the store immediately and let them know that you were injured. You do not want there to be any doubt regarding the nature of your injury with the business owner, which includes how and where it happened.  The store should make some sort of incident report regarding the injury which will record what happened.

Request A Copy Of The Incident Report

It's not enough to be told that the store is making an incident report of what happened and keeping it on record. You'll want to get a copy of that report so you can read what was said about the accident.  You'll want to make sure that the incident report is factual, and have them make corrections to it sooner rather than later while the incident is still fresh in your mind. 

Make A Police Report

Your next step will be to go to the police station and make a police report of what happened soon after the accident. The police report is a good way to get your side of the story on record soon after the accident because it's very possible that this incident will be your word against the store's in regards to what happened. 

For more information, contact a local personal injury attorney such as, William J. Cooley, Personal Injury Attorney, to learn more.

About Me

Texting driver caused my accident

Have you ever picked up your phone and sent or read a text message while you were driving? Do you know just how dangerous that is? All that it takes is one split second for your life to change forever and to change someone else's life forever. I was hit from behind because a well-dressed business man couldn't wait until he was stopped to respond to a text message. I saw him coming in my rear view mirror, but there was nothing that I could do about it. This accident happened over a year ago and I still suffer every day. My blog is filled with information that can help others that have been injured by texting drivers.


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