
Texting driver caused my accident

Car Accident Law: What Things Should You Not Do After An Accident?

The steps you take in the aftermath of an accident are crucial, as they can make or break your claim. But due to the trauma and injuries incurred in an accident, many people make mistakes that negatively impact their claim case. 

Luckily, you can evade these mistakes by working with a seasoned car accident lawyer. They will offer you helpful legal advice on building your case and increasing your chances of getting compensated the most appropriate amount. Accordingly, the following are mistakes that you should distance yourself from if you are in this position.

Forgetting to Document the Accident

One costly mistake you can make after an accident is forgetting to get enough information about the incident. Essentially, you should capture images of the accident scene as well as contact details and insurance information from any other affected party. 

You will also need the names and badge numbers of the officers reporting the accident. More importantly, you should get a copy of the police report. Finally, when it comes to witnesses, you should collect their testimonies, names, and contact information. Having this essential information enables you to build a strong claim with the insurer. 

Leaving the Scene of the Accident

Leaving the accident is a mistake that can earn you a penalty. Some people leave the scene due to fear, while others simply don't know that it is wrong. That said, if you are severely injured, first seek medical help. However, if you have not sustained injuries, it is advisable to remain at the scene and wait for the police. Additionally, you should call a car accident lawyer to help you collect evidence and make statements with the police. 

Apologizing or Accepting the Blame

Another mistake that can potentially mess up your car accident case is accepting the blame or apologizing to the other party. It is natural to feel guilty and condemned about an incident, but that should not warrant you to accept the blame. 

Until the investigations are complete, the guilty person cannot be announced yet. Therefore, your only duty is to say what you know about the accident. Otherwise, apologizing will only land you in trouble as the insurance company can use the statement to deny you compensation.

Car accident cases can be pretty challenging if not handled well. That is why you need to hire an experienced car accident lawyer right after the incident and let them take over the case. Contact an auto accident lawyer to learn more. 

About Me

Texting driver caused my accident

Have you ever picked up your phone and sent or read a text message while you were driving? Do you know just how dangerous that is? All that it takes is one split second for your life to change forever and to change someone else's life forever. I was hit from behind because a well-dressed business man couldn't wait until he was stopped to respond to a text message. I saw him coming in my rear view mirror, but there was nothing that I could do about it. This accident happened over a year ago and I still suffer every day. My blog is filled with information that can help others that have been injured by texting drivers.


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